Yeah for Magnus! He has worked so hard for this. We started with swim lessons for him last year. He was a little timid in the water so the instructor didn't pass him. So this year we spoke to him about the areas that he can improve on. Well he did a great job! Or so we thought until the last day of class and the instructor handed me his "report card". Not passed. I was so fumed at the instructor I could've punched her lights out. I thought about confronting her about why she didn't pass him and so on, but then I realized that I would just come across as a crazy mom to others and emotionally scar my child forever. So this mom didn't make a scene and went with it. Enrolled him in the same level class, Tadpoles, a few weeks later...well what do you know???? In the second day of class, his new instructor took him over to the Waterfrogs class because his skill levels were beyond that of a Tadpoles class! So in your face to the old instructor that didn't pass him!(not that she would ever read this).
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