Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Most Fun in a Backyard

The house that we rented while we were in Tahoe, had a great big backyard. When we first arrived, there was already several feet of snow. So my niece Emily and I decided that we would make our own little snow hill to sled off of. It was a lot of hard work and sweat. After a lunch break and a few hours later, we had a functioning hill. It was awesome!

This is the snowman that the kids made. It's missing an arm, but I think that was intentional!

Magnus is trying to "make our slope better".


Magnus is quite strong, he pulled Emily for a couple of yards!

Another whee!!!!

Casualty of a snow ball fight. Yes, my first reaction is to take a picture of him crying!

Admiring the amount of snow and wind we were having that day.

We had such an awesome time on this trip. Everytime I see/hear snow mentioned, my heart skips a beat thinking about all the wonderful things that happened here. Magnus and I shared a special bonding moment at a sled hill that we went to, Soph napped in her playpen while we were there, wonderful simple foods, a testing of patience by all, and teamwork from John and I on the way home. We were in blizzard like conditions on the drive back and it took us 7 hours to get home instead of the usual 4. I hope to have many more of these types of vacations! 


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