Saturday, April 25, 2015

1st Missing Tooth

When Magnus was younger, it took him a while to loose any teeth. He was probably one of the last ones in his class. So we were quite surprise when Soph lost her's at only 5 years and 3 months. 

One week, she kept telling us that her teeth were hurting her. If you know this girl, anytime someone doesn't feel well, she doesn't feel well either. DON'T ever take a Pepto beside her because her stomach will start to hurt also and she MUST take a Pepto too! So we don't take her "pain" seriously. Then one day, John tells me her teeth were looking weird. I took one look at it and sure enough it was so loose that it was all crazy crooked. 

A few days later, John had the kids clean the car before we went on a trip. They were probably alone for about 2 mins, when John brings in Soph and her tooth in his hand. 

The story goes, they were "cleaning" and Magnus sat on her head and out came the tooth. Gah, these children!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

2014-2015 School Year

How blessed I am to be able to teach our children! Not just their hearts, but their minds too. This is our 5th year of homeschooling and I think we are finally in a groove. Don't let the number of years discourage you, though. God is good and if this is what he's called for you, it will happen!

 This year, more than ever, we are homeschooling with intention. That means being prepared. Going to bed on time, lesson planning, waking up to the alarm clock. Things are going more smoothly. Hearts and minds are being shaped. 

Here are the goof balls on their way to our first Academy Day. I'm always late in writing the back to school post and in the 3 months from this picture, they both look so different. It saddens my heart a little to see them growing. They will never be this size. ever. again. Exhale.

This year I was privileged to kick off AD with teaching the letter A. What a better way to learn about A than with applesauce! We chopped these up in class, added a little water, put a cover on and in the microwave it went. 

Aren't these the cutest applesauce samplers ever?!? Like I said, what a privilege to teach these kids. They are so bright, funny, and sweet.

They did a drawing and writing of their opinion of applesauce. Not sure what Soph was drawing here, but that's pretty good penmanship for the beginning of the school year.

Our Picture Day picture.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Camping for 5

We love camping, but haven't been since we had Soph. That's quite some time ago. We don't like to do anything when the kids are little for fear of them acting out. When we had Magnus we didn't take any vacations until he was about 2. By the time Soph was 2, I was pregnant with Odin. And there was no way, we were going with 2 little ones in tow. Do you know how dirty they would get! Yes, I know that camping and dirty are synonymous of each other.

I love how Magnus is showing his sister how to hammer down the stake. He's got a few camping trips under his belt!

We borrowed this chair from a friend and oh my goodness, Odin was in love with it! He wore this anytime he wasn't sitting in it!!! Thank you Lea Ann and Grace!

What's a camping trip without roasting marshmallows???

I love this picture of Magnus. This is what childhood and life should be about. All the cares cast aside and soaking in the glory of the skies.

When you're camping at the beach, you must also play in the sand. I appreciate that I have a kid that doesn't like to get dirty/messy. So this is the closest Odin will get to be being dirty.

On the other hand, I have 2 other ones, who doesn't give a hoot what I think! Look at them, ridiculous. This was after they had their breakfast. John too them down to the beach while I cleaned up camp. He came up to get the camera and when he got back, he found this. I would've freaked out! It's a good thing dad was there!!!

 We told Odin to get closer to his siblings for the pic and this was close enough for him. Ha! That. for sure, is a child of mine! I think they took half the beach home with them. There was sand in every nook and cranny...

Friday, January 2, 2015

30 Years of Blessed Love

We have been friends with these lovely folks for many many years and what a blessing they are in our lives. They are patient, loving, generous, wise, pun-tastic, inspiring, a seeker of God, and so on and so on. I think you get the jest of how awesome they are! haha 

They are so awesome, in fact, that we share the same wedding anniversary! Unintended, of course. I met them when John and I were dating. John has known them since they started going to church together. One of the bigger influences in John's walk with the Lord. They were the ones we had premarital counseling with, the ones we called when we needed counseling in our marriage, and the ones who we share our struggles and joys with. Phew, that's quite a friendship!!!

What an honor it was to be with them when their daughter surprised them with an anniversary party! 

We had a game of, How Well Do You Know Your Spouse. How amazing it was that they got just about all the correct answers to the questions! Hmm, we've been married 1/2 of the time and I don't think I can answer too many questions correctly about John! 

I can't remember what the question was for this answer, but it has something to do with Todd needing more sleep.

How sweet of their daughter to include elements of their wedding at the party. A much better cake than they had 30 years prior!  

What I also like about Heather, is how she she is always coordinating her outfits with the theme/color of the party. That's such a difference from me and that's another reason I appreciate her.

Thank you for all the years of encouragement you've given to us. Whether it was relating to our marriage, our children, or our relationships with people(because you know I don't like people too much)! haha We love love love you guys! 

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