We love camping, but haven't been since we had Soph. That's quite some time ago. We don't like to do anything when the kids are little for fear of them acting out. When we had Magnus we didn't take any vacations until he was about 2. By the time Soph was 2, I was pregnant with Odin. And there was no way, we were going with 2 little ones in tow. Do you know how dirty they would get! Yes, I know that camping and dirty are synonymous of each other.
I love how Magnus is showing his sister how to hammer down the stake. He's got a few camping trips under his belt!

We borrowed this chair from a friend and oh my goodness, Odin was in love with it! He wore this anytime he wasn't sitting in it!!! Thank you Lea Ann and Grace!

What's a camping trip without roasting marshmallows???
I love this picture of Magnus. This is what childhood and life should be about. All the cares cast aside and soaking in the glory of the skies.
When you're camping at the beach, you must also play in the sand. I appreciate that I have a kid that doesn't like to get dirty/messy. So this is the closest Odin will get to be being dirty.
On the other hand, I have 2 other ones, who doesn't give a hoot what I think! Look at them, ridiculous. This was after they had their breakfast. John too them down to the beach while I cleaned up camp. He came up to get the camera and when he got back, he found this. I would've freaked out! It's a good thing dad was there!!!
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