Sunday, March 30, 2014


After our first "professional photo shoot" with our friend JC, we went to Crepevine for a late lunch. (Late, because this mama did not want a messy mishap before getting our photos done. Yeah, I am a meany head!) These kids were extra ravenous, but they still had enough in them for a few more shots! 

 This is my all time hands down favorite photo of Odin. I think he knew that some fries were coming!

 Some times it is so hard to get a photo of Soph because she is so subconscious. She ends up making a scowly face or something really silly. I am glad she let that go and was able to give us a genuine smile because it just melts my heart when she does!

 Ahhh, look at this photo! Oh man, this is a glimpse of what this son of mine will look like when he gets older. There's nothing baby-ish about him any longer.

And one of the pics from our photo shoot. This is a pretty normal for us. Even though Magnus is getting heavier, he still wants to have "up, please". I'm so glad John doesn't have back problems. Magnus sure loves it!
Friday, March 28, 2014

Two of a Kind

Magnus and Odin, so similar yet so different! It is uncanny how much they look alike. If you were to look at their baby pictures, the only way easy way to tell them apart is by their weight. Magnus was a much more chunkier baby with fuller cheeks, but other than that, they make the same facial expressions. What is so cool though about these two is how well they get along. They laugh, they play, and I don't think they've ever quarrelled. So thankful for these boys!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Peek a Boo, Too

Recently Odin has moved on from playing peek a boo in my room to that of the front window. 

If your legs give out from standing for so long playing peek a boo, sitting in the shoe basket, works!

                                                            Peek a boo or Wak-ur!
Friday, March 21, 2014

Fancy Hair for Fancy Soph

For Alicia's wedding, Soph needed to have her hair up. Since this mama has no skills in that department and was probably going to be short tempered, Miss Julia came and saved the day!!! Julia was in our wedding long ago. She was my bridesmaids and it is so cool that after all these years, she lives down the street from us! 

First time getting her hair curled. Looking happy...

                                                            Not liking the hairspray...

                                                                     Yay, almost done!

Phew, all done! She was so tired by this point. Poor girl, it's not easy getting all gussied up! Thank you Miss Julia for your special skills!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

That Thing that Went Bump

Odin was doing this a lot one week. So it wasn't a big deal because it was always inside...until one day he did it outside, on the concrete, in our driveway. Which is a little steep...

Thankfully his body did land on the grass, but his forehead not so much. Poor baby!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Alicia's Bridal Shower

Oh my, what good food we had at this shower! Now I am probably partial to this because I made some of the food...

                      I love a fruit platter! So many colors and so many yummy sweet goodness.

 Our friend Ally playing a song for the bride. How special and sweet to have a talented friend!

 Soph sitting with one of her favorite sitter! She loves Chelsea. Perhaps because Chelsea laughs at her silliness or perhaps because Chelsea is so girly. I don't know, but she sure likes her!

 The dessert bar! Pretzels and chocolate=yum! Strawberries and chocolate=yum! And a new yum for me=potato chips and chocolate!

                               Little hand sandwiches made with some apples, brie, and ham.

 I don't think it's a party until you have a wheel of brie! That stuff is so good. I like it with a little sweetness of raspberry jam on top. My favorite brie comes from Trader Joe's. Oh so creamy!!!!

 My little girl checking out the goodies. This was her first bridal shower. She did quite well.

Alicia and Soph! Two cuties!!! Soph is going to be a flower girl in the wedding. She was a little hesitant at first, but warmed up to the idea.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Going Bonkers for Strawberries

We (that would be I) have wanted to go strawberry picking for the longest time, but have never found a place to do it. Finally I found a place in Rohnert Park. We were able to go just once, before it closed. It was so awesome! So sad that we can't go again. But we are so glad we got to go when we could. Now there's no u-pick strawberry place nearby, but there is a strawberry farm down the street from our house. It has the most delicious and sweet fruit. It is a little more expensive, but well worth the extra dough!

Friday, March 7, 2014

6 Hour Child

First off, let's say that we are so thankful for this little one. It seems the more babies we have the more happier they are. And he is one happy boy! Recently his sleeping habits have us over the moon! We know of no other baby that does this...he is only up with us for about 6 hours a day! What!?! That's right, we have the same reaction, but with giddyness! 
We put him down a little after 8pm, he plays in his room until 10ish, sometimes later and then goes to sleep on his own. In the morning, he'll wake up at10ish and then contently play in his room until 12. At which point, he is famished when he joins the family. While he is awake from then until 2:30ish, he eats and eat and eats. But then one must have a nap from all that food overload. He will nap until 6, perfect timing for dinner time. Where the same appetite demands to be fed. At 2 hours later, it is bedtime again.
How might you ask is this possible? Answer is, I dunno, but I'll take it!!! 
As we've learned in parenting, phases and stages don't last long so we'll milk this for as long as we can!!!

We would still love him if his sleeping/eating schedule was different, but it sure makes teaching his siblings much easier!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Mom

This is my favorite picture of my mom. She is so loved by the grand kids. And since she has 15 that is a lot of love! 
Besides her great big heart for her grand kids, she has quite the green thumb. She can make most anything grow. Although when I think about it, it doesn't just grow, it flourishes! One day I wish to have nice green thumbs like her!!!
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