When our friend Shelly shared about a missionary, who works at the orphanage that her daughter came from, needing a new vehicle to transport the kids, I thought why the heck not? We can help and the kids can learn about serving others. I didn't think too much of it. Other than, throw some money into it and maybe the kids will see how much they already have. Well, this project took a life of it's own and blessed many people in epic proportions.
We had a meeting where the kids brainstormed how to raise funds. Some were effective, some were not.
It's neat to see their brains working. And these kids are not even in the double digit age range!
We started by collecting change in mason jars. Slowly, but surely, it added up. We had John take a collection at work and a coworker gave $40!!! What!!! We were so floored with the generosity and it fueled us to our next endeavor.

We had a dine and donate event at Mary's Pizza Shack. It was a delicious fundraiser! We picked up a lunch order for SRPD, had take out for our lunch, and went back for dinner. Yep, we know how to eat!
We had a bake sale. Quite a daunting task for me since I am not known for my baking skills. Hopefully whoever bought these goodies will be content to know that the money went to a good cause...
Selah was rocking the sales table! She was in her element. Sharing her heart about the people she cares for.

We had a Read A Thon hosted at our house. I have to say this was probably one of Magnus' favorite way to raise money. Getting paid to read, what?!

Miss Angie reading to them so their eyes can take a little break. They read for a total of 180 mins with a few breaks in between for potty and snacks. I provided lots of snacks and these little people were quite happy. One had about 7 applesauce squeeze. We won't name any names...

And the finale, an ice cream party to celebrate all their hard work! Great job kids!
As we started out on this project, I didn't realize the impact that this would have on our family. Magnus was able to share about the project at church. His first public speaking venue! (His ears got red as he was speaking and as soon as he was done, his ears went back to a normal color) Another time, he and Soph sang a song each that they had been practicing to elicit donations. And people were so generous with their donations. That, I think touched me more than anything. I just felt so loved by all these people who supported our mission to support Maritza.
Overall the kids raised a butt load of money, as you can see on the chart. With their hard earned fundraising money and other generous donors throughout the country, we were able to get Maritza a new vehicle.We did this all in about 5 months. God showed up everywhere, growing our faith in him, growing our children, and oozing love all around. Abundant blessings!
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