My niece! Boy has she grown up! Doesn't she look lovely!!! It hasn't always been the case....long ago she had the most nappiest head of hair. It was frustrate me to my wits end to comb out the rat's nest she called hair. I don't know what the problem was, but it was awful. I think it kinda hindered our relationship a little bit. But now look at her! Look at her hair! We have a much better relationship now! Maybe it's because I don't have to comb her hair anymore????? Anyways, I am so proud of her. She has worked hard despite some of the hardships that life handed her and she truly deserves the best that the future has for her.
Ugh! I love embraces like that! So sweet!

Have you ever noticed that when there are more than one camera, no one looks at the same camera? How does celebrities do it? We need their tips!

My two beautiful nieces! I don't know how I would be able to raise my two kiddos without the help of these two wonderful young ladies!

I love seeing the joy in their faces!
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Yeah I remember that hair of hers. Back then her mom and I spent hours in the bathroom trying to scrub that frozen conditioner from her scalp. It was horrible lol. But now her hair is long healthy and beautiful. :)