We've known Brent for a long time. Ever since he was in high school. For the longest time, he floundered. It would frustrate me so much. It was quite hard to hang out with him sometimes. (Yes, Brent. It's all coming out now!) Then after what seemed like a looong time in waiting, God gave him a girlfriend. She is Kelly. We've known Kelly a long time too. Kelly is the sister to our good friend Ally. We've known Kelly since she was in Junior High.
In the few months that they dated, we saw Brent emerging as a MAN. His heart was huge! He was so wise, so gentle, so encouraging. Where did this come from??? How awesome it is to see this side from from! It's only natural, that Kelly would fall in love with him.
So here is the lovely and beautiful couple on their wedding day.
You know you've party hard when dancing with your sibling starts with holding hands and then ends with a dog pile.

I think this was the nicest decorated getaway vehicle. Most that I've seen have some sort of crude innuendo written on it. Oh wait, maybe that was because I was the one who did that...
Yay! Now they can have a party of 2...
Thank you for including us in your happy day. We are seeing you grow by leaps and bounds in your trust for the Lord. How wonderful! We love you guys!
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